Driver error is the most common cause of car accidents. This is a solid truth backed by hard numbers. It is not, however, the only cause of motor vehicle accidents. Vehicle defects, for instance, can cause devastating accidents on roads across the U.S. Furthermore, vehicle defects can exacerbate accident injuries. So, whether it be defective tires or an airbag that deployed with more force than it should have, vehicle defects can cause a lot of destruction and injury. If you were in an accident that was caused by or made worse by a vehicle defect, you need to know about what to do next. The steps you take following such an accident can play a vital role in your ability to file a solid and supported claim for damages against a number of parties.
What to Do If You are in an Accident Caused by a Vehicle Defect
If you have been injured in an accident caused or made worse by a vehicle defect, you may have the right to recover damages from the driver that caused the accident, the vehicle manufacturer, or other parties along the supply chain that contributed to you operating a dangerously defective vehicle. To help ensure you bring the strongest possible claim and that you receive the treatment you need for the injuries you sustained in the accident, there are a number of steps you should take beginning immediately after the accident occurs.
To start, document the accident as best as you are able to under the circumstances. This means that you should take pictures of the accident and your injuries. Take pictures that show the accident scene in the broad and the detailed perspective. Take pictures of the damage sustained by your vehicle. Also, be sure that you are keeping track of where your vehicle is. If it is towed, find out where it is being towed to. Do not let the car be repaired until you speak to dedicated legal representation about how to proceed. Be sure that your vehicle is stored at a secured location until it can be properly investigated and inspected for defects.
Also, be sure that you seek and receive emergency medical evaluation and treatment. Accident injuries can be debilitating and made so much worse without receiving the proper medical attention. Be sure to comply with doctor-recommended treatment paths. This will help ensure that your injuries are properly resolved and that they are properly documented for personal injury claim purposes.
Personal Injury Attorney
Accident claims involving vehicle defects can be complicated. Attorney Michael LoGiudice is here to help protect and fight for your right to full and fair compensation for the harm you have suffered. You can count on him to immediately begin working on your case and fighting for the protection of your legal rights and the preservation of the strength of your claim. Contact us today.